The Internet has given us plenty of new developments, both positive and negative, but there is no doubt that its growth has impacted us in ways we may not have thought of before. The ability to communicate with family, friends, co-workers, bosses, and others around the world makes each step into the digital realm more exciting and more innovative.
A close look at the e-revolution going on in higher education.
The emergence of online education is a testament to that. Before the web, the only places a person could learn was through the physical act of sitting inside of a classroom or trekking to the library. Now, the Internet has allowed for students of every nation to gather together in front of their computer screens and learn lessons in theory, logic, music, arts, computers, and more without ever needing to step outside of their home.
At the start of this month, Florida signed into law a bill that would expand their online classes, helping to bring in online education developers to partner with their school system and improve the Florida education system. Education, as always is a huge topic within the United States, as schools all over suffer from low test scores at the primary and high school level. Meanwhile, more and more colleges shake their heads at the low entrance exams scores that prospective students showcase.
Teachers often have gotten the brunt of the criticism, by either not correctly teaching or failing to mold students into test taking machines. College tuition continue to climb for those graduating high school, while college graduates leave with thousands of dollars in debt and no future job opportunities.
So what can we do to bolster our education system?
For many young adults, the answer seems to be schooling online. There are actually a number of reasons why online education can be beneficial, not the least of which is the ability to study and learn from all parts of the world and the flexibility of being able to create your own learning schedule. Many colleges and universities have expanded their coursework to include both physical and virtual campuses, both which offer various equivalent degrees.
Certainly not every major can be offered online, right? Not necessarily true, though it does depend on the actual degree. Of course you want to make sure that someone going into the medical profession has some hands on experience working in a hospital or that a lawyer has passed the bar; however many majors and courses can be taken online. For instance, singing coaches, who are there to get you started on developing your voice, can utilize mp3 and video files via the Internet to help train a person to sing.
There could be video chats in which the student can have visual contact, as well as different media files that can be played along with the budding singer to teach them how to sing with others, such as in a duet or with a band or orchestra.
Some computer and technology classes are designed like this, showcasing media and other files to get student visually familiar with the parts of a computer or networking system, while teaching them through audio, as in instructional teaching.
Despite the assertion that some businesses have, that you need to be social in order to learn, online learning can be very social, considering discussion forms, video office hours and chats, and social media. From these, students in the same area can form study groups in order to help each other and many students are often in contact with each other for certain projects. Can you learn something online? Most definitely!
nnew3670ed 22 Jul, 2013
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